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Valley Youth Soccer League Match Day Schedules

Fall 2021

Game day schedules will be set after Registration Closes on Aug 15.  Check back then. 

Practices: U6 through U11 will have a weekly one hour Skill Centre practice.  U5 Bambino's will Practice and Play on Saturdays.  If you are interested in coaching, please check the appropriate box on your registration.  

U5 to U11 Players in the VYSL will train using Canada Soccer’s Preferred Training Method (PTM) using mass practice Skill Centres for our U5 to U11 players.  Skill Centre training players will partake in a fun, engaging and developmentally appropriate activities designed to foster a love for soccer, a love for the ball, whilst at the same time improving key motor skills. 

Skill Centres training will be at a dedicated field, on a set night and time.  In addition to the Saturday game day, Micro’s through U11 Junior’s will be training weekly.  All delivered in a mass practice, station style & vibrant training environment.  Volunteer Coach lead delivering session plans developed by CV United’s Technical Director.  Field setup will be assisted by Mentor Coaches. 

Training Days - Game Days (Saturday will be a game day).  Times/field locations TBD after registration closes.


U5 Boys and Girls (born 2017) - Saturdays Practice and Play

U6 Boys (born 2016) - Tuesdays & Saturdays
U7 Boys (born 2015) - Thursdays & Saturdays
U6 Girls (born 2016) - Wednesdays & Saturdays
U7 Girls (born 2015) - Wednesdays & Saturdays

Juniros U8-U9

U8 Boys (born 2014) - Wednesdays & Saturdays
U9 Boys (born 2013) - Wednesdays & Saturdays
U8 Girls (born 2014) - Wednesdays & Saturdays
U9 Girls (born 2013) - Wednesdays & Saturdays

Juniors U10-U11

U10 Boys (born 2012) - Tuesday's & Saturdays
U11 Boys (born 2011) - Tuesday's & Saturdays
U10 Girls (born 2012) - Thursday's & Saturdays
U11 Girls (born 2011) - Thursday's & Saturdays

Youth U12-U13

U12 Boys (born 2012/2013) - Thursday's & Saturday's
U13 Boys (born 2012/2013) - Thursday's & Saturday's
U12 Girls (born 2010/2011) - Thursday's & Saturday's
U13 Girls (born 2010/2011) - Thursday's & Saturday's


Final determination will not be made until registration closes.

Valley Youth Soccer League Information: Click Here 
